
This is something I posted on Facebook over 4 years ago but it’s still relevant and God’s still working on me so I thought I’d share it again… It’s so easy….so very, very easy, for us to get caught up with focusing on our differences–our skin is a different color, our political views are vastlyContinue reading “#preachingtomyself”

The Greatest Accomplishment…

I have a friend and mentor who retired a couple of years ago. He’s a well known community leader with a long and successful career. The last time we met right before he retired he told me, “Well, it looks like I made it!”. Because of our relationship and his willingness to share both hisContinue reading “The Greatest Accomplishment…”

The Day the Neighbors Came, Big Boots or You’re Going to Think I’m Crazy…

I’ve realized over the years that I start a lot of sentences with the phrase “you’re probably going to think I’m crazy, but…”. ⬅️If you find this sentence offensive, please read to the end. My darling husband has this face that he makes when I start telling him with great excitement about my newest idea.Continue reading “The Day the Neighbors Came, Big Boots or You’re Going to Think I’m Crazy…”

The Killer B’s or Judging a Book…

Back in my glory days of working in healthcare there was a group of physicians that all had a last name that started with the letter B. Other doctors coined a nickname for them, “The Killer B’s”. Obviously, as a doctor that’s probably not the nickname you want to have pinned on you, and IContinue reading “The Killer B’s or Judging a Book…”

The fear of bunnies…

But guess what happened. Karen walked in, took a look around and said…

Growing sprouts…

Store bought sprouts can be kind of pricey and that’s if you can find them at all. The ones I’ve bought in the past have cost around $3-$4 for about 4 ounces of sprouts and usually I’ve only been able to find a very limited variety. So I’ve started growing my own. It’s super easyContinue reading “Growing sprouts…”

Tell someone you love them, and dinner’s at 6…

I’m pretty sure eating is my spiritual gift. Some folks have told me they don’t think that’s really biblical, and maybe it’s not but it seems pretty clear to me that Jesus really liked to hang out around people’s tables. He even called himself the Bread of Life. Food is also my love language. ForContinue reading “Tell someone you love them, and dinner’s at 6…”

Welcome to our table…

C’mon in. We’re glad you’re here! One the things, maybe the thing, that our family loves best is having friends, family, and sometimes even strangers around our table. Be it a full blown meal, a piece of pie or even just a cup of coffee, there is just something magical that happens when people comeContinue reading “Welcome to our table…”